Fresh Features: Power Apps April 2023 Update

  The General Availability of comments in the Canvas Studio, brought by Microsoft: Maker Productivity, is set to supercharge collaboration and take it to new heights. Users can easily add comments to their apps in the Canvas Studio, fostering enhanced collaboration with their fusion team and leading to the creation of top-notch canvas apps. With…

Improve Your Automation Workflows with Custom Selectors in Power Automate Desktop

Power Automate Desktop is a popular tool enables users to create automation workflows for various tasks, including automating applications that display dynamic content. While Power Automate offers automatic selector creation, certain scenarios may require users to create custom selectors manually. With the recent big update available for Power Automate Desktop, users can now edit and…

5 ways ChatGPT can help Automation Developers – tested and explained

Last week, our Automation Partner, UiPath, highlighted several ways ChatGPT can help simplify your automation development process for both technical and non-technical people. As generative artificial intelligence (AI) moves to the forefront of technology, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is the backbone of this shift, bringing recent advances in the field to millions worldwide. From understanding code written…

Unlock the Power of Automation: How APIs can Revolutionize Your Business?

In today’s fast-paced business environment, automation has become essential for organizations looking to streamline their operations and improve their bottom line. One of the key enablers of automation is Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which allow organizations to connect different systems and applications and automate tasks such as data entry, invoice processing, and customer management. However,…

It’s time to move on to the following generation of innovation: Discover the new face of Intelligent Automation with Gen2 RPA

What’s the difference between Gen1 RPA and Gen2 RPA?   There are two generations to consider when discussing RPA: Gen1 and Gen2. Similar to UiPath, Gen1 RPA is used to automate straightforward, rule-based processes. Gen2 RPA, however, is a better option for businesses when it comes to automating more complicated processes. The second generation of…

5 unexpected ways in which RPA, OCR and NLP have a positive impact on business processes

The employees have always sought out more effective methods of accomplishing tasks, but one difference from earlier times is that they now have access to more technology. Some examples of more recent technologies that are benefiting businesses include natural language processing (NLP), optical character recognition (OCR), and robotic process automation (RPA). How? Read on. A…

How can you improve claims processing in insurance companies and bailiffs’ offices with automation?

Claims processing is the backbone of the insurance industry. At this point, the insurance provider fulfills its commitment to its clients, establishes service standards, builds credibility, and meets its legal obligations. Because it involves multiple layers of administrative, managerial, and customer service tasks, marked by information-intensive manual tasks and challenging document formats, the claims environment…